Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Today was hard...

Today was hard for us both.

Everything has been going great, so it's not a bad kind of hard, it's good, but still hard.

It warmed my heart that when we arrived, Kalkidan was quietly coloring in the doodle book we bought her and was so proud to show me. She doesn't speak much English at all, but the one word sentence "mom " with her excited gestures for me to check out her art, that was enough.

Then, a little later, we broke out the face paints for the whole orphanage ( cause who travels to Africa without face paints, right?) and spent a decent chunk of time creating arm tattoos for the boys and fanciful face designs for the girls.

Kalkidan was us awe when her face was all done. Then, through gestures I showed her that she could do some design on me as well.

She took my hands and created a masterpiece! :) I just wish I knew what it meant! I think it was Amharic script... With an "M" placed purposely in the center. Her way of writing "mom". She puts "M's" wherever she can!

But the awe of the face paints didn't even come close to when we gave her a boxed set of origami supplies that were prepped for making cute little animals like penguins and such.

The box was glittery and fancy and inside there were many different colors of paper and "attachments". Kalkidan couldn't wipe the look of shock off of her face and she kept whispering "wow". Gingerly, she touched each part of the package , opening and closing the little drawers that separated out the supplies and she tried to get Kumnager's attention.

Kumnager was pretty into the origami too, though she was also quite content to just hang with dad and make good use of all his mobile devices. "Fruit Ninja" kept her absolutely captivated until we called her away to the face painting station.

And oh the hugs! The girls just want up be hugged constantly. We thought it might be hard for all of us in the hugging department since they are older and we are strangers from
America! But no..they are constantly looking for hugs!

So, you may be thinking, "Whats so hard about all of that?"

Well, quite simply, we are overflowing with love for these little girls and we will have to leave them here for about 2-3 months while their paperwork is processed.

It makes sense, I see why it needs to be this way..., but we just found ourselves crying quite a bit today to think about leaving in just a few days.

I wonder if this is how God views the time we spend with him? We are quick to rush into prayer and then back to "life". If only we knew and basked in the great love God has for us, more regularly, more richly and more fully. How much more content and at peace we would be.

So until tomorrow, we wait for and dream about another few hours with our beloved!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

We have safely arrived and have spent two joyous days with our beautiful daughters!

Kumnager ran out to great us screaming in joy... There was no other way to describe it!

Kalkidan tagged along behind excited but unsure.

Just like new moms and dad meeting their infants for the first time ,we have been discovering how the girls are connected to us and similar to us already.

Kumnager is VERY gifted musically. She has amazing rhythm, pitch with her voice and she moves like a professional dancer! Watch out bill. You've got competition!

Kalkidan also shares her daddy 's sensitive and sometimes quiet , reflective spirit. She wants to be drawn out rather than jumping in and stealing the show.... Just like her dad! But also as soon as she is in her element, she becomes the boss! Also like her dad! :)

Like their momma, both girls love clothes and shoes and nail polish! Ha!
They are also very giving. Which I hope is like me.

Everything we gave them that was a snack or had multiple parts, they immediately began to give away to their freinds. They would even give a bit to us!

After introductions, they ceremoniously gave us each a piece of jewelry.

We have laughed together as we bungled up their language and shared games and toys.

We cried a little when Kumnager said she wanted us to be her parents for "always" and when we got home at night to our guest room.

The girls essentially have nothing of their own.

Until now.

They have a family.

Everyday we are taking gifts to them and cards from others in America who are waiting to meet them and love them. Every time they open something from someone and see their pictures, they gasp and say in English ," for me?? " this person is for me??

Yes, that's a good way to say it.

We are "for " them.

Thank you for being "for" them too.

We love you all and thank you for your support.

On the lighter side , there's just no way to describe this city. :) You are just going to have to come and experience it for yourself!

Jeanette and Bill

Monday, July 16, 2012


Thanks to everyone who has purchased some coffee to help support our adoption.

We hope are enjoying your brew!

We just got our first check today! It was exciting!!!

Anybody else in need of some Coffee for your self or a gift!

Here's the link:


Thanks Again We are so grateful!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

We have a Court date!!

We got the call with our court date this morning! We are going to Ethiopia to meet our girls very soon!!

What an exciting day!

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us and encouraging us along the way.

It's finally happening!!

The girls will now be told as well, that they have a family coming for them.

Once we pass court, we Can post pictures of them!!

For those interested in supporting us somehow, I just got a call earlier this week that one of our grants will be giving us a final answer in the next three weeks.

If we are approved, you can make tax deductible contributions toward our adoption through their foundation and it all goes to our case. They charge no administration fees etc.

Just FYI for those who have expressed interest and are waiting/wanting to give.

Praise God for this great day!

Bill and Jeanette