Monday, November 26, 2012

Failing Forward

Time for an update from the Manchester family! Up to this moment, we've been too busy to even think about blogging, but finally as of yesterday, we are in a routine and it's working. It's our third week of Homeschool and we are finally catching our stride. The girls are working hard in every subject and making gains every day. The love gymnastics class, making music in a variety of ways and they even love MATH! Go figure! I spent a lot of time at my own kitchen table as a kid crying over my math homework...not these girls! Math is almost a reward! ( And Can I just say a prayer of thanks that I married a man who is actually very good at math!) I think this morning there was actually some excitement to be back at "School" after a four day Thanksgiving break. So this is a victory!

It's our fifth week of being together as a family and we are finlly finding a rhythm here as well. Last night for the FIRST TIME EVER the girls got the bedtime routine done in under an hour and if you had been livibng with us for the past five weeks, you'd know what an accomplishment this was!

So today as I refelct on the past five weeks, I can't help but also think about all the things we goofed up, did too slow, did too fast, were too deamdning in etc. And I pray that in those moments where we were or will be sort of failing as parents, that at least we will "fail forward", meaning we will learn from our mistakes, that we will persist in love and patience when things are hard and that we will always remind the girls that even though we are not perfect, their heavenly father IS and he will never fail them.

Photos: Top to bottom:
Ready for america!
Science experiment