Monday, June 25, 2012

A long case scenario...

Well, it's been a long week for us, anticipating hearing something from our agency.

But basically, we heard nothing. Until today, we called them and they said our documents are in process of being authenticated by the Ethiopian Government and once that is complete our court case will be filed.

Usually, the court case for international ethiopian adoption is opened and dates set within two weeks of filing. The dates for court are , according to our agency, usually set for two weeks and four weeks from the date the case is opened. ( There are two hearings. One we attend and one we do not.)

So, as best we understand, our case is not actually open yet, but should be within the week, if the documents return ready to go in the next couple of days.

So, best case scenario, we file for court by Monday July 2nd , the preliminary hearing, which we do NOT attend, will be on the 16th. Then the final hearing date on the July 30th...... Which we DO attend.

The next few days are critical in determining whether or not we meet our girls before the rainy season, when the courts close for a minimum of 8 weeks, sometimes 12.

So praying people, could you ask for a miracle?

We are hoping for this best case sceanrio to juts play out. And if not, then peace while we wait.

It's very hard to just wait!!!

In the meantime, let me just say that while I have been waiting, I have been becoming more and more passionate about kids who need homes connecting with parents who want kids! or more kids to love!

Posts to come on that soon!

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