Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Jar of Joy

This weekend our amazing freinds hosted an adoption shower for us!
It was a beautiful and fun time!
We received lots of gifts for the girls all worth blogging about.... :) but one gifts contents in particular is the easiest to blog  about because it was a glass jar filled with handwritten messages and quotes of hope, parenting advice etc.
 One quote for each day for the next five weeks in case that's how long we have to wait!
Here are  two of the quotes so far:
"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. it is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
-Elizabeth Stone
"Hope is greif's best music."
-author unknown
And how true this is! Our hearts are walking all around Ethiopia right now. Actually to be exact ..they are hopefully still sleeping for another half an hour or so! :)
And HOPE, it's the thing that's so easily crushed and grinded to a pulp when you walk the painful path of infertility ( or really any painful path where life deals you an unexpected blow).....but it's still alive in us and  now growing every day. 
And hope is one of the greatest gifts we could give our girls!
Hope that God really does love them and will take care of them.
Hope that he has an amazing future planned for them.
Hope that we will love them even when they act silly.
Hope that  they will be home with us soon!
And on a lighter note...I am hoping their birthday packages arrive by the end of the week so they know we haven't forgotten them! Feel free to post in the comments section or on facebook a happy birthday to Kumneger and Kalkidan!
So, while we continue to wait for the good news that we are on our way back to our beloved, we'll dip our fingers in the Jar of Joy each morning  and feel hope being renewed.

PS:Thanks EVERYONE for the outpouring of love at the shower!
If someone sends me more pics, I can upload! :)

1 comment:

  1. This is your most recent post. We are so anxious to hear the latest news from you both! We will be watching, and have already been praying. We are so proud of you both how you are stepping out in courage and in faith, trusting that God has lead you and will continue to do so. God be praised! In tears, Matt and Bonnie
