Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pillow Talk and The Prosperity Gospel

One of my favorite times of day is those last few moments before you fall asleep when the events from the day and or your whole life are sort of processing and playing in your mind. Bill and I have had the privilege lately of spending some of this "pillow talk" time with the girls and we are learning so many things about them that humble us, break our hearts, make us laugh and amaze us.

Last night we ladies had a really deep talk about success and what that means, what it means to love God with your life and what our goals were for the future.

Some of our talk had been focused on "Going to university" and how important this was in order to make your dreams come true for jobs, and helping others etc.

So as Kalkidan shared her dream of having a "big big big house with many, many, many Mekina and a swimming pool ( Mekina =cars) , I tried to redirect the conversation a little bit to what really matters in life and share how the bible teaches us that if we have "everything" but not God we really have nothing.

So to bring that up I said, "Ok that's a really good dream, but lets remember there is one things that is the most important thing, above all other things." I was holding up a finger and pointing to the ceiling as if somehow that would give the girls a hint.

Kalkidan was jumping up and down on the bed and saying "I know, I know!!" and she blurted out "University!!!"

I laughed and said "Yes that's very good, and very important too, but even more important than that , the most important thing in life is that we must love God. Those other things are good, but loving God is "Betam Tru! ( Very good in Amharic)

Kalkidan paused her jumping for a minute, taking it all in and said "OK Good! I already love God!" And dramatically fell back on her bed in complete satisfaction as if to indicate that since she already loved God, the the big house and the many cars were sure to follow. :) Hilarious!

Oh no! I think I may have started teaching the prosperity gospel!

I guess I'll have to clean that up later!

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