Saturday, June 1, 2013

Just a Day In The Life of a Transracial Family

We've been so busy lately with the girls starting public school, moving to a new house, my job hours increasing as business in the counseling field is booming, that I have simply not had time ot blog.

But, as of yesterday, we are on summer vacation.  HALLELUJAH!

Here's a little bit about how our day went:

Woke up AFTER 5:50 am...which was awesome!
Ate a real breakfast! Never happens around here!
Went to a  couple doctors appointments for what I deemed was our "summer body tune-ups."
Discovered that "most eye doctors hate visine":  random I know.....I'm just telling you about our life.
Sat in traffic for so long on Polaris parkway that the girls started saying "This is just disgusting."
( Apparantly they learned that from me?)
Thanked bill for taking my car to the shop for a warning light that was on....
Discovered it was going to cost 750 smackers, so we decided to shop around for cheaper labor costs.
Found a cheaper place.
Got excited!
Discovered that our girls will actually eat iIlls favortie summer food, balsamic vinagrette chicken and grape salad. Got even more excited!
At the food.
Got ready for soccer camp and a birthday party.
Got ready for work...discovered my computer was goign on the fritz and probably goign to need to be replaced.....oh well....
I kissed everyone goodbye and drive off for a random evening at work due to the fact that I had locked myself out the day before and needed to make up sessions. :)
Bill took the girls in the other car to a party.
After dropping child off at said party, the car breaks down.
Bill stated he was glad that the windows were down at least so they wouldnt be so hot!
As soon as he says that it starts to pour down rain...and since the car wont start....some serious soaking action took place.
A good freind arrives to help
We are helped.

So, we may have drama here and there.
But, we are a fmaily and we do drama together!
I wouldnt have it any other way.

Heres a few pics of some recent together times!

1 comment:

  1. aww so sweet i can produce a film about this and it will be so catchy!
