Thursday, May 31, 2012


Fast forward to March of 2011. I was waiting on a friend at a medical center. I had some time to kill sitting in the waiting room. All of my classwork was complete, personal stuff etc.

I was actually kind of down emotionally and needed something to occupy my mind.  Bill and I had tried to take a vacation  in march to have some positive movement in our lives, but there were some serious problems with the vacation....starting with missing our flight....because neither one of us paid attention to the time on the tickets. :(

The classes I was taking were good but really heavy and dark subject didn't really want to think about that.

We had been getting more and more bad news from the infertility people. Just when we thought we'd hit the bottom, the bottom would give way and we'd be sliding down another tunnel of questions and pain and just anger really.

So, I tried to pray that day. My prayer was something like this:

"God, if you have kids for would you just show us dang it."

And the reply  I felt in my spirit was." Well, Jeanette, you haven't exactly been looking."

So, I thought, Hm, I guess I could start looking. And for the next few hours I did. I had been given by friends some websites where you could view photo listings of waiting children and i began to do that.
I started praying for a connection with a child. Maybe a name, or maybe that the child loved music like we do. Something to let me know that the child was meant to be in our family.

I signed up on one particular sight that allowed me to create a profile where I could be matched to children according to our specifications of age etc.

Oddly,  I guess I was being too picky, because I didn't get ANY matches.

So, then, I remembered something our friends had said about special needs kiddos. I included them in my profile and BINGO! Matches abounded.

I started looking at photos and watching videos and soon had about 100 kids in my profile. I wanted to parent them all! I knew that wasn't realistic though. So We had to narrow it down.

I was so excited to show Bill.

He was totally on board with a special needs child and so it began. In the end, god did the narrowing for us, because out of the original children I put in my profile, only two remained in five months when we finally got serious about putting in our application.

When we finally made the call about the only two children left in our profile, we foudn out what coutry they were in. Just take a guess!



So there's your answer.

The kids we felt called to parent were not in Haiti.  Had they been in Haiti, we'd be going there. Had they been in we'd be.

But they were in Ethiopia.  So THAT is Why Ethiopia!

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