Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why Ethiopia? The Long Answer Part Two:

Our first real connection with Ethiopia was really before we knew much about what was going on with us infertility wise. A friend of ours traveled to Ethiopia for a short term mission trip and we supported the trip and excitedly awaited hearing all about it. He had beautiful, life changing types of experiences to share. Pcitures of smiling little faces and lving being enriched and given hope by the ministry.

His connectioon with the trip and minsitry in general was through a church he attended while living in Washington DC. Basically, his friend form church gave up working a  decent job on the "Hill" in DC and decided to move to Ethiopia and be there full  time to care for boys who were literally living in the sewers.
Today this is a thriving ministry that keeps expanding and being blessed by God.

I'll try to post a link to their information.

As a result of all he saw on the trip, our friend, though single at the time, was considering adopting one of the children who had captured his internal "parent's heart."  Little did we know at the time, God was moving in our hearts to make room for children from the very city this friend visited.

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