Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why Ethiopia? The Long Answer Part Three:

Strange Dreams:

I am kind of terrible with remembering dates....maybe this has something to do with the fact that I was born on leap year and I don't even have a birthday except every four years...i don't know. Anyway, sometime around the same time that our friend went to Ethiopia, I had a really strange and vivid dream.

In the dream I was talking with my girlfriend Cortnee and she was trying to feed her firstborn son. He was really crying and she couldn't get him stop. She needed a break so she handed him to me and said "Do you think you can get him to stop crying." Magically, I did. He was soon at peace in my arms...however, the crying had not stopped and Cortnee and I were both stumped by this. I handed her son back to her and looked down in his playpen. What do you know, there was another baby in there. A dark skinned little girl. So I picked her up , grabbed a bottle and began feeding her too. She began growing and growing and growing until soon I realized that she wasn't an infant at all, she was more like and elementary aged child. She was just malnourished.

Once she had everything she needed food wise. She kind of hopped down out of my arms and said, "Thanks for feeding me."

I wondered for a long time if this dream meant anything or not.

If nothing else, it meant to me that I was being called to listen for the cries of those who were hungry around me and respond.

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